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Animal: Rhinoceros

Candy: Lime

Level: 8

Base Value: 3600 coins

Attack: Hammers

In-Game Descriptions

"A huge Pinata that needs a very big garden to roam around in, like its 'less muscular' cousin the Chippopotamus. Watch out for that horn, it could have your eye out!" "When Pinata Central was built, they needed a way to transport Pinatas around the island. Limeoceri love to dance an Irish Jig, so the brought in off-road trucks, equipped with Irish folk music and loudspeakers. As the limeoceros followed the music, they hammered new roads over Pinata Island. The Limeoceros is still helpful - see what happens when Professor Pester comes a calling."

Sour Version

"One part Pinata, nine parts angry bulldozer; you don't want to get in the way of this pest. Smash open its secrets, and find out how to crush its wild side, because this brute will demolish anything in its path."

As a sour, the Limeoceros will destroy garden structures. Once tamed, the Limeoceros will charge at Professor Pester and knock him out of your garden when he shows up.


  • You are a level 36 gardener or better


  • You are a level 38 gardener or better


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