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Deep Blue

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Deep Blue

Deep Blue's artwork for Kameo: Elements of Power
Species Elemental Warrior
Affiliation Kameo, Elemental Warriors
First appearance Kameo: Elements of Power (2005)

Deep Blue is one of the ten Elemental Warriors in Kameo: Elements of Power. He is a cephalopod with the water-elemental ability, and is found in the Summit Spring, where he was captured by a Shadow Troll.


Deep Blue is the only elemental warrior that can swim underwater. It is because of this that he is necessary to venture into the Water Temple and defeat Corallis.


  • Aqua Cannon: This attack can only be used while Deep Blue is on dry land. Holding down the Right Trigger makes Deep Blue fire twin streams of water. This can damage fire enemies (all others are pushed back) and also can be used to activate certain objects. This can heal Plant Trolls.
  • Hydro Thrust: This can only be used while Deep Blue is underwater. By pressing the Left Trigger, Deep Blue propels himself forward through the water.
  • Aqua Blaster: This can only be used while Deep Blue is underwater. By pressing the Right Trigger, Deep Blue fires torpedoes.


  • Dragpool: This can only be used while Deep Blue is on dry land. By holding the Left and Right Triggers, Deep Blue turns into a whirlpool, which can move across the ground. Anyone sucked into it is drowned.
  • Slick Jet: This can only be used while Deep Blue is on dry land. By holding the Left Trigger, Deep Blue fires ink at enemies. Any enemies covered in oil are weaker to fire attacks, like those from Ash.
  • Splash Down: This can only be used while Deep Blue is on dry land. By holding the Left and Right Triggers, Deep Blue turns into a whirlpool, allowing him to grab up to two enemies and slam them against the ground.


  • Deep Blue's unlockable skin from the Kameo "Design-A-Skin" contest gives him scuba gear, including a mask, a life jacket and Water Guns on his arms.